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Tip: Procrastination and Perfectionism are bad buddies.

Posted on Monday, September 18, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: Procrastination and Perfectionism are bad buddies.When we first looked at this article, Tired of Things Not Working Your Way? Get Rid of This Thinking Pattern by Marcel Schwantes, we didn’t think it really applied to networking. When we finished it (all of 5 minutes) it seemed like good advice for people who are having a hard time getting back to face-to-face networking....

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Tip: Is it time for a Post-summer Reset?

Posted on Wednesday, September 6, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: Is it time for a Post-summer Reset?
Where was everyone this summer? Looking at social media posts most people seemed to be at the cottage, the cabin, or off to Europe in droves. Out-of-the-office memos popped up everywhere. Is this flurry of activity simply what happens when our lives take a hard-stop for two years.

Now that September is here it might be a good time to hit...

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Improve Your Leadership Skills by Thinking Differently

Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Improve Your Leadership Skills by Thinking DifferentlyIs your team stagnant, or is there a sense of tension in your department? It may not be "just your gut feeling," but rather an indication that your team is in a "flight or fight" mode. Today, we're looking at three distinct emotional states in the workplace, fight, flight, and flow, and the implications when leaders shift out of flow and into...

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Tactics to Turn Customers into Billboards

Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tactics to Turn Customers into Billboards
As a Chamber of Commerce, our Members often ask for marketing advice. We've found that the best people to go out and advertise to small local businesses like our members are their customers. Companies in our region have a solid connection to the community, and using their successful prior business interactions is a perfect way to leverage that...

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Convert One-time Customers into Repeat Buyers

Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Convert One-time Customers into Repeat Buyers
One of the best ways to grow your business and increase sales is to convert one-off customers into repeat customers. You can build solid relationships with your customers by providing high-quality products and services and offering unique content or experiences that make your customers want to return for more.

Repeat customers are the...

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Reading Eagle TriCounty Young Professionals Recap

Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

The TriCounty Young Professionals held a professional development event on Thursday, July 13th, where 50 individuals in attendance had the opportunity to grow professionally through networking, learning effective workplace communication, and a chance to receive a professional headshot.

Jenna Armato, Growth & Success Coach, led an interactive discussion on Effective Workplace...

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Tip: Find your own place for the sunset

Posted on Thursday, August 10, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: Find your own place for the sunsetSummer flies by and before you know it, September is here. You had planned to get together with colleagues. “Now that the weather is nice, once a week let’s do drinks on a deck after work, ok?”

Still hasn’t happened?

Someone has to take charge to make this a reality. It may as well be you! Be the...

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Tip: An easy acronym for your difficult conversations.

Posted on Wednesday, August 2, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: An easy acronym for your difficult conversations.H.E.A.R. is one of the best acronyms to employ when dealing with challenging conversations. Try using this simple, research-based framework from Harvard conflict management expert Julia Minson.

H = Hedge your claims, even when you feel very certain about your beliefs. It signals a recognition that there are some cases or some...

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Confidence Is Key for Up and Coming Leaders

Posted on Monday, July 24, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Confidence Is Key for Up and Coming LeadersFRESH CONTENT
When we think about organizational leaders, what comes to mind are people capable of handling high levels of stress, effectively managing teams and striving toward growth. While certain personality characteristics are associated with the leadership mindset, research indicates that it's less about the traits you're born with and more...

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Lying To Yourself Is Hurting Your Productivity

Posted on Monday, July 24, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Lying To Yourself Is Hurting Your ProductivityFRESH CONTENT
Small business owners already know that their time is precious, and there are never enough hours in the day. You're often juggling multiple responsibilities, working long hours, and desperate to improve your productivity. Boosting your productivity starts with an honest assessment of your resources and your physical, psychological,...

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TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce

152 East High Street, Suite 200
Pottstown, PA 19464

Phone: 610.326.2900